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    henan ,China
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    Mon - Sat: 08.00 to 18.00

The checkered plate is a kind of steel plate with patterns on its surface. The EN 10025 S355M steel plates, checkered plate is widely used in transportation, architecture, decoration, floor around equipment, machinery, shipbuilding and other fields. The checkered plate is also widely used in the pavement floor, factory escalator, car floor and so on. The checkered plate can not only play the role of anti-skid, but also be used for beautiful decoration.

The company will also put Georgetown steelworks on "care and maintenance mode" and temporarily lay off or redeploy about 130 employees working at the steelworks and contractors while some EN 10025 S355M steel plates maintenance employees will be on staff during the closure. It is stated that unemployment insurance and state-based unemployment support will be available immediately to workers affected by these changes.

With the continuous development of foreign business, our company has achieved pleasant cooperation with a number of freight companies, including international air transport (including international express) and sea bulk cargo, we can provide the best service. In order to better develop the air transport from mainland to foreign countries, so that the goods can be transferred in Hong Kong in a timely manner.

As the basic processing materials and building materials, the medium and heavy plate is an important purchasing material for many manufacturers and construction enterprises, so the grasp of the latest price rise and fall of the medium and heavy plate, EN 10025 S355M steel plates is directly related to the cost and profit of enterprises. Therefore, it is necessary for purchasing staff to learn how to predict. Today, we share the latest price rise and fall skills, how to predict the price trend of medium and heavy plate, EN 10025 S355M steel plates.

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